Friday, December 14, 2012

Public School Teachers do Need a Miracle

Both my mother and my father have been elementary school teachers for about twenty-ish years so I personally agree with Politically Texas in her blog post titled "Public SchoolTeachers Needing a Miracle." I agree that teachers do not get paid enough for the enormous amount of work they put in to their jobs. Teachers are the ones who mold and shape the minds of young people. Teachers can either make or break a child’s love for learning. Teachers deserve so much more than what we give them. On top of already not giving them what they truly deserve, we are going to cut education funds and make class sizes grow? I find this completely unfair. I have noticed personally that my parents are becoming more and more tired and worn down when they come home from a day of teaching. They tell me that being a teacher is incredibly emotionally rewarding by having children look up to them and love them. They also tell me though, that I should do something with my life that is emotionally rewarding but also financially rewarding as well. My parents are incredible people and I look up to them every day for what they do, but they have had to worry about money for their entire lives.  

I believe that education funding is incredibly important and if it means we have to raise taxes, maybe that’s something we should think about doing or at least come up with another, better, way to get more education funding.

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